Scenes from Life: a Generative Memoir Writing Workshop - October 27

Scenes from Life: a Generative Memoir Writing Workshop - October 27

from $20.00

Wednesdays, Oct 27, 7pm-8:30pm EST on Zoom

When it comes to writing, we’re told “show, don’t tell,” but what does that mean when we’re telling the story of our life? Often, our instinct is to report events to the reader exactly as they happened, but facts can land flat on the page. In this generative memoir writing workshop, we’ll use prompts to unearth the emotions, senses, and energy that made those memories stick in the first place. We’ll set scenes and put characters in motion in them. A memoir isn’t all showing and no telling—we’ll practice both, and learn how to weave these two modes of storytelling together to make your memoir sing.

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